Following statutes 8 and 9 of the Heidelberger Kunstverein's constitution, the board consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, treasurer and two further board members. It is the responsibility of the board to appoint a director who must report to the board. Since the 2009 Annual General Meeting, during which the last board elections were conducted, the board consists of the following members:

Chairman: Julia Philippi
Vice chairman: Prof. Dr. Henry Keazor
Treasurer: Dr. Manfred Stolzenburg
Further members of the board: Selini Andres and Michael Weber



The Advisory Board consists of twelve members, elected at the general meeting for a term of four years. The Advisory Board assists the board with active participation and consults on the institution's program. The Advisory Board convenes at least four times a year. At the Annual General Meeting in 2010, elections were held in accordance with statute 11 of the Advisory Council. After the election, the Advisory Board is as follows:

Carolin Ellwanger
Beate Frauenschuh
Julia Hildenbrand
Herbert Jung
Cholud Kassem
Ilona Martini
Claudia Paul
Jürgen Popig
Dr. Dorit Schäfer
Michael Sieber
Prof. Mario Urlaß
Carl Zillich
Dr. Andrea Edel




Julia Philippi

Prof. Dr. Henry Keazor
Foto: Universität Heidelberg KUM

Dr. Manfred Stolzenburg

Selini Andres

Michael Weber

Prof. Mario Urlaß

Carolin Ellwanger

Beate Frauenschuh

Michael Sieber

Cholud Kassem

Carl Zillich

Herbert Jung

Dr. Dorit Schäfer

Julia Hildenbrand

Jürgen Popig

Ilona Martini

claudia paul
Claudia Paul



Heidelberger Kunstverein
Address | Heidelberger Kunstverein | Hauptstr. 97 | D-69117 Heidelberg
Mailing Adress | Heidelberger Kunstverein | Bauamtsgasse 3 I D-69117 Heidelberg
Phone | +49 6221 184086  Fax | +49 6221 164162  E-Mail |
Opening Hours | Tu, We, Fr 12-19h, Thu 15-22h, Sat-Sun 11-19h